Dec 27, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Sheesh! All these resolutions to ponder!Mops and Pops are going nuts making resolutions, so, not to be left out, I decided to make some too.

Everyone says that New Year's resolutions are made to be broken
. I look forward to that!

1. Exercise more. Chase birds, butterflies, and mice. Run from dogs.

2. Widen social activities. Join a choir - group purring can be fun.

3. Be more adventurous. Investigate crawl spaces, dark closets, and try, just once, to sneak into a bird shop.

4. Spend more time with the family. Prepare to be stroked, tickled, hugged, placed on laps. Hmmm....I may have to lick human skin (yuk!) and eat whatever is fed me, even left-over sweet potato pie.

5. Stick to a budget. Never go to the mice market hungry.

6. Improve hygiene by following the house rules: Use the litter box! Use the litter box! Use the litter box!

7. Help others. Remember a roll of toilet paper is not a ball of yarn.

8. Improve diet. Look for lean mice.

9. Get organized. Divide bowl into mice bits, bird bits and fish bits.

10. Learn new things. Experiment with raw vegetables.

Love & purrs, Edelweiss
P.S. See new comments below.


  1. Dear Edelweiss,

    You are a cute little fur ball and I noticed you have great taste in books too! Have you ever been to Pittsburgh? Mops and Pops look very familiar!


  2. Hi Maribubbles,

    Never been to Pittsburgh but understand the burghers are incredibly friendly. <8-)

    Where did that "h" at the end of Pittsburgh come from? I'm all confused because "burg" sounds German but "burgh" is Scottish. Do you by any chance make hamburgers there?

    Moms & Pops say hi. We all send New Year's hugs, with purrs from me.

  3. To resolution3: Curiosity can kill a cat! Be careful with the firecrackers on New Year's Eve!
    See you later alligator!


  4. Dear Edelweiss,

    Now it's weiss in Germany, the snow is coming! What fun! I strolled the whole day through the white wonder and discovered a little weiss cat,
    not edel weiss
    but also nice!

    The ice cat's name is Eisminchin, I send you a picture of her with many purr purrs and greetings to Whiskers & Mops,


    PS: Weiss is white and edel is noble.
