May 3, 2019

Edelweiss is back!

Hi all,
As you will see from my updated profile photo I've aged since Iceland and become a vegetarian. 😉 Comments on Facebook made me recall having fun with the blog and reactivate it. Who knows what might happen here.😄 Of course, I'm an oldster now, so watch out!

More to come....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, you fun furry creature! I am sure all the mice are delighted with your consumption conversion. Was it a Damascus Road experience?
    Come on now, The Oxford Group, with its moral standards of absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness, and absolute love advise that you 'fess up.
    I got that perspective from the writings of now-deceased Mouse.
    Oh, Edelweiss, as an oldster, I am sure you are pining for one of those discreetly hidden in-house 'sandboxes'. Ask Mops to tell you about Eileen's interest in these exclusive items!
    Can't wait to hear more from you.
